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We have worked with a number of MMM and MTA partners in the space and can provide guidance on which of these partners are possible to speaking to? It also depends on the Data availability and the needs of the business stakeholders. Also, an expectation of what lies ahead in the next few months is something we help clients navigate.
This is the most common challenge that brands face. Data pipelines and reporting from Media agencies are not setup in time to faciliate MMM. Sometimes, the data requirements are not clear to all the parties leading to multiple Data round trip. We work with all the parties to operationalise it, so your team can actually get the work done that requires more focus.
Yes, Attribution and MMM serves similar goals, but the implementation and execution of these tools is very different. MMM is a top down model using aggregate data, that is non-trackable. Attribution partnerships are based on trackable data, and the setup and data requirements are completely different.
MMM models are complex in general. Our technical expertise in these models can help provide a POV on whether these make sense, or there is room to improve and/or include other variables.
We specialialize in Marketing Mix Operations. The models don’t take time, the data does. The alignment between the parties does. Most companies spend anywhere between 3-5 years to get this right. Naavics does this for you in year 1, sometimes a few months to cut down your MMM cycle by months.